Millennium Green Wiki

Animals are a very important part of all Millennium Greens, whether they are the wild animals living on the Green that people come to see, or our pets and livestock that we bring to the Greens, they are all part of the web of community and environment that is a Millennium Green. Many Greens keep lists of the animals they see, especially lists of birds; most Greens are the walking spaces for local dogs and a few have livestock grazing on the land and use it as a source of income.

Wild Animals[]

Some Greens have policies towards Wild Animals, such as a general resolve to support existing wild animals, or an aspiration, at least to introducing them. With that in mind it is NOT advisable for Greens to move wild animals without AT LEAST advice from a relevant organisation- it is ILLEGAL to disturb/move certain wild animals, such as bats, reptiles and amphibians without a licence. In the last few decade it has become of CRITICAL IMPORTANCE not to move Frogs and Toads because of the risks of bringing a killer disease into new areas where one perhaps THINKS there are no frogs and toads.


The obvious pets on almost all of our Greens are Dogs, but certainly cats often visit the Greens and people do bring other pets to visit, such as New Southgate bringing a rabbit for an Easter Event then inviting a reptile club to bring their pets to a Summer Festival.


No Dogs


Almost all Millennium Greens allow dogs and most welcome them to exercise as an obvious purpose for the Greens. However, dogs do create problems, including conflict of dogs and owners, where they go and whether they are allowed off the lead. Many Greens report dog poo as one of their most serious complaints. Discussions continue on the Millennium Greens of England Facebook page, where the subject comes up regularly and although we have no magic answers the following ideas and suggestions have been moted or tries, that one might consider:

  • 1. Establish with your Local Authority, what their policies are towards Dog Poo and whether they can/will assist you in enforcing dog poo problems. Mount Hawke have an understanding with a Dog Warden and put up warning signs based on that.
  • 2. Signs might not make any difference to everyone, but they might make a difference to at least some people some of the time, so they should be put up and maintained if only to establish the policy of Picking Up being required.
  • 3. Discuss with your Team whether you feel that anyone or everyone in your team is prepared to speak to people- you may wish to establish clearly what your policy is on speaking to people so that nobody feels they are being victimised.
  • 4. Although dog owners SHOULD bring their own bags, one could put up a board with a bull-clip of bags so that at least if they are prepared to pick up they have no excuse.
  • 5. Local Children might make signs- this might make the community more aware.
  • 6. Lots of ideas and information can be found in this 2013 article-


Various rural Millennium Greens have livestock on the land, such as Rotherfield grazing cows. This is an important source of income and helps to connect the Greens to the local rural scene.
